

Private Tutors
Learn basic expressions in Chinese

Learning Chinese also means knowing the most common expressions for communicating with other Chinese people - learn them with us today!

WeSmartly 22 April, 21
Complement of verbal regime

The complement of verbal regime is an important part of some sentences. Learning to find and analyse it is essential for a good command of the language.

WeSmartly 16 April, 21
Private Tutors
Nominal syntagma How to identify it?

Among the different types of syntagms, the nominal syntagm is the most used of all. This linguistic unit is basic and you must learn to recognise it.

WeSmartly 15 April, 21
Analysing sentences syntactically in the Spanish language

By learning how to syntactically analyse a sentence in Lengua Castellana you will be improving your grammar skills and getting an A grade.

WeSmartly 09 April, 21
What are the career prospects of the Bachelor of Science?

By choosing to study a Bachelor of Science, you will have a wider range of options for further study thanks to the Bachelor of Science curriculum.

WeSmartly 07 April, 21
Online Courses
Tips for learning English on your own

Learning English, although it may seem tedious, can be a lot of fun. If you follow the tips we will give you, you will be able to learn easily and have fun at the same time.

WeSmartly 05 April, 21
Everything you need to know before repeating a school year

Repeating an academic year is something that can have both advantages and disadvantages. That is why there are certain things you should know before doing so.

WeSmartly 29 March, 21
Top tips on how to cope with final exams

Con la ayuda de nuestros consejos podrás superar todos los exámenes finales con una excelente calificación. Así que entra a leerlos y ponlos en práctica ya mismo.

WeSmartly 26 March, 21
Private Tutors
Can a private tutor teach from home?

This is already a reality today and brings benefits to teachers and students. If you are a teacher and want to work from home, click here.

WeSmartly 24 March, 21
Online Courses
Tools for online teaching

As a result of quarantine confinement, classes have started to be held virtually. That is why today we are going to tell you about the best platforms for online classes.

WeSmartly 18 March, 21
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