Working as a private tutor is an excellent way to bring your knowledge to a larger number of students. And although it is an extremely comfortable job and can sometimes seem informal, you should take it seriously. That's why today we're going to help you learn how to declare private tutoring.
All workers, no matter what kind of work they do, must declare their income and pay taxes on an annual basis. If you have decided to start working as a private tutor, you should be aware that you are not exempted from doing so, unless you meet certain exceptions.
In the case of private teaching, all those who have already declared themselves as self-employed must declare the income from this type of work. However, if you take it on as extra job, you may be exempted from having to declare yourself as self-employed.
However, if you want to start working full-time as a private tutor, it is essential that you declare yourself as self-employed. Otherwise, you may find yourself surrounded by a lot of debts and legal problems that we know you don't want.
The first tip for declaring private classes that we will give you is linked to the first step that you must also take with this type of work. This is to register as a self-employed person to start working solely as a private tutor.
This is something you can do with a single visit to the tax office. As soon as you inform them that you wish to register as self-employed, they will give you the paperwork that you will have to sign and fill in with your details.
We suggest that you do this on the first day of the month, as this will help you to save on your contribution. After registering with the tax authorities, you will have a total of 30 days to register with the social security authorities as well. After that, you will be ready to start working as a private teacher.
Even though at the beginning this kind of decision may be difficult or scary to take, you should think about the future and the great advantages you will get from this kind of work. Private tutoring is a much more comfortable way of working and you will be able to save time and even earn more money as you will be able to attend to students individually.
Moreover, although it may seem difficult to pay taxes as a freelancer, you should know that you have some advantages in your favour. If you are self-employed for the first time, you should know that you can pay your taxes at a flat rate.
In other words, during your first year you will only have to pay €60 per month. As the years go by, the amount will gradually increase. But it will certainly be much more comfortable for you during the first months.
Now, of course, in order to declare the private lessons you will have to do it by issuing an invoice. The invoice will contain all your personal details along with the monetary details that apply to your work as a private tutor.
If you consider that the drafting and issuing of an invoice is a complicated task, you can leave it in the hands of an external manager or accountant. However, if you are able to do it yourself, we will help you. In the following, we will tell you what kind of data you need to put on your invoices.
Of course, a must is your personal and customer data. On both of them you should include data such as ID number, first name, surname, company name and exact address. Some extra data such as telephone number or e-mail address can also be added if you wish.
Every invoice must have a specific number that represents it. This number must be in accordance with the correlative series of the invoice. You must be 100% sure that this number is correct. Once you have issued the invoice, you will not be able to change the number if you have made a mistake.
Of course, taxes are important. However, at this point you should be aware of something. All private lessons focused on subjects that are within the country's curriculum are exempt from VAT. However, if they are extra subjects for artistic or business reasons, it is essential that you include VAT.
In all invoices you must specify the details of the commercial activity you are carrying out. This includes the name of the service, a brief description of the service, the cost per unit and the number of units to be charged. Depending on the above, you must also add VAT or not.
On the other hand, the date cannot be missing. In this case, you must enter the exact date of the day on which you are issuing the invoice. As well as the dates on which all the actions you are charging for were carried out.
If you are interested in finding more students interested in your classes, you can advertise through WeSmartly. Our platform is designed so that both private teachers and interested students can find each other.
Within our website we have the support of a large number of private tutors who offer their services through our website. So, once you have considered our tips for declaring private tutoring, you can start sponsoring your services through our website.