
Catalan pronunciation


Catalan pronunciation

When we learn a new language, we must become completely immersed in it. This means that we must learn to listen to it, read it, write it and speak it. In the case of Catalan, this is something that can be easier or more difficult for some people. Whatever your case, today we will help you to improve your Catalan pronunciation.

How can you improve your Catalan pronunciation?

In many ways Spanish and Catalan have their similarities, especially because they are both Romance languages. Especially within Spain and the areas close to Catalonia. Therefore, for many, everything that has to do with understanding and conversational practice in Catalan becomes simple.

However, for someone from a distant part of Spain or from another Spanish-speaking country, this can be confusing. That's why today's article aims to help you improve your Catalan pronunciation little by little.

Learn to pronounce Catalan

Therefore, the first thing you should bear in mind is the way in which the phonetics of Spanish and Catalan differ. Many would consider these differences to be imperceptible. But the truth is that, when we externalise Catalan when we speak it, we realise that there are certain letters and combinations of letters that are pronounced differently.

Factors to bear in mind when speaking and pronouncing Catalan

Now that you know that there are certain phonetic differences to bear in mind, it is time to explain what they are. So that you can bear them in mind from now on whenever you have to speak Catalan.

We will go from the most complicated to the simplest, so that you can understand in a complete and general way everything you have to take into account. That way, it will be much easier for you to start practising your main faults to improve them and show that your pronunciation will start to be better than before.

The most difficult sounds to pronounce

As we mentioned, we will start with the sounds that are the most difficult, complicated or confusing to pronounce. So we will explain the basis of this confusion, trying to detail the correct way in which certain letters should be pronounced.

Let's start with the vowels, which, while you might think are simple, are actually quite complicated. Vowels, depending on their tonic syllable and whether or not they are accented, can change their pronunciation. This is why it is a complicated subject for people who are learning to pronounce Catalan.

When vowels are in the stressed position, "e" and "o" are usually pronounced more openly. While "a", "i" and "u" are pronounced in the same way as in Spanish. When vowels are accented, some also vary. The "é" is a closed "e", the "è" is an open "e", the "ó" is a closed "o" and the "ò" is an open "o".

Now, when it comes to consonants, we also find changes in pronunciation that are key. For any slightest confusion with regard to pronunciation would result in misunderstanding with Catalan speakers.

Among the most difficult and confusing consonants to pronounce are "z" and "s". In Catalan, both "z" and "s" should be pronounced like the buzzing of bees. In other words, the same way it is pronounced in languages such as English or French.

Pronounce Catalan correctly

When you are facing the "ss", however, you should pronounce the same sound as the "s" in Spanish. Another of the consonant sounds that must be pronounced in the same way as in English is the one that corresponds to the letters "j" and "g".

The simplest sounds to pronounce

Having taken into account everything that can be confusing, it is time to talk about the sounds that are simplest to pronounce. In this case, we will talk about all those letters that follow a similar pronunciation to Spanish.

There are some Catalan words that end with a very particular combination of letters. At first glance, we may get confused when pronouncing the end of these words. However, it is very simple once you understand how to do it.

Let's take a look at an example to help you understand better. The "ix" ending is pronounced with the "sh" sound in English. While the "ig" ending should be pronounced like the "ch" sound in Spanish. On the other hand, the "ll" ending is pronounced like a "y" in Spanish. Finally, the ending "ny" is pronounced "in".

However, we must also talk about how to pronounce other letters that can be found individually at the end of various Catalan words. For example, if at the end of a word you find the letters "c", "k" or "g", they will all be pronounced like the sound of a "c" or a "k" in Spanish.

On the other hand, if you come across a "b" or a "p" as the ending of a word, you should always pronounce them as the "p" sound in English. Whereas, words ending in "d" or "t" will always be pronounced as "t".

Are you having trouble pronouncing Catalan correctly?

If you are finding it difficult to learn Catalan, especially when it comes to pronunciation, you can seek professional help. To do this, you can enquire about the services of a private teacher who can help you to reinforce your knowledge. If this is the case, WeSmartly is the place to find the right one.

From our web platform you will find a wide variety of private tutors who offer their services on a private basis to help you. All you have to do is look for a private tutor who specialises in Catalan. With their help you will be able to improve your Catalan pronunciation significantly in a very short time.

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