
Hi! I am
Aliah Ahmedkhan Dalwai

10 Years of experience
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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MBA in Human Resource Management and Dual MBA in Finance

  • Computer Basics.
  • Business communication.
  • Business English.
  • Business Etiquette.
  • Business Strategy.
  • Business Studies.
  • Communications.
  • Customer Service.
  • Executive Assistant.
  • Fundraising.
  • General Business.
  • General Management.
  • Global Professional in Human Resources.
  • HR for Freshers.
  • HR/Personnel.
  • Human Resources Management.
  • Learning and Development.
  • Management Training.
  • Office Management.
  • Organizational Behaivour.
  • Recruitment and Staffing.
  • Social and Business etiquette.
  • Telephone Skills.
  • Virtual Assistant.
  • Business.
  • English as a second language.
  • management science.
  • Business Studies.
  • Hindi.
  • Business Administration and Management .
  • Human Resources.
  • Business Studies.
  • English as a second language.
  • Personal development.
  • Social Work .
  • Administrative Assistant .
  • Community Manager.
image Tutoring experience
As a trainer, I've covered topics such as strategic career planning, crafting resumes & cover letters, job prospect evaluation, online job platform navigation, interview preparation, professional attire and etiquette, networking via LinkedIn, communication skills, effective teamwork, leadership development, workplace conduct, conflict resolution.
image My style
Time of teaching

Based on student needs

Language of the classes

English, Hindi

Type of class
Online or In-Person

I offer concise lessons that concentrate on specific subjects. I utilize presentations and videos as instructional tools. I prioritize engaging learners through interactive activities like discussions, problem-solving tasks, case studies, and assessments. At times, I customize my teaching methods to cater to the varied requirements of learners.
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